Our great offer
Neuro Bundle
Get Neuro Respiration Rehabilitation, Ocular Neuro Rehabilitation, and Advanced Vestibular Therapy advanced courses
What's included?
Elevate your career
Expert instructors
Satisfaction guaranteed
Material you'll love
Set and achieve goals
Flexible payment options
10% discount (value up to $898)
This class will be a super easy introduction to getting started in the makeup business, specifically what are the basics in the professional makeup kit.
Training bundle (value $1,425)
This class will be a super easy introduction to getting started in the makeup business, specifically what are the basics in the professional makeup kit.
Courses included
Neuro Bundle
Get Neuro Respiration Rehabilitation, Ocular Neuro Rehabilitation, and Advanced Vestibular Therapy advanced courses
Neuro Bundle
Get Neuro Respiration Rehabilitation, Ocular Neuro Rehabilitation, and Advanced Vestibular Therapy advanced courses